mrs. Hardin

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Yesterday and Today

We have been working so hard on fluency, so we did a lesson on real and nonsense words. They especially liked making up nonsense words. :)

We continued our base 10 unit. I'm seriously still amazed they can add 10 and a number to get 20!! Have them do it for u!

They love playing partner games. It's so fun to watch them work as a team.

Addison made a list of words that end with the letter Y. Awesome!

I loved how John David used both sight words in a sentence.

Salihah is a great reader! This seriously is my favorite part of the day. Listening to them read and retell is music to my ears. :) They love showing off to their Pre-k teachers. :)

I'm so proud of Fatima! She has shown so much perseverance!

She loves "high fiving" our sight words.

Kylie's reading group worked on short and long vowels today.

Friends give friends a hand!! I'm lovin all the teamwork in my class. They love to help each other during math.

We did a word problem today and I was so PROUD of Jahanvi's journal. Look at all the detail!! She used 2 rods too! My goal is for them to be well prepared for answering math open response questions on the benchmark test.

During writing, we focused on writing a 4 part sentence. Don't they look worn out?? We worked sooo hard today and Im so proud!!

I'm so proud of December and January's Kids with Character Recipients. Way to go! I'm so proud to be you teacher. :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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