Salihah did a fantastic job matching the word to the picture on the smart board.
Mia did a great job matching the word to the picture during the daily 5.
Ananya did a fabulous job cutting and matching the -at words during independent work time.
Way to go Matthew! He did a great job on his writing and stamping task during the daily 5.
We learned all about 3D Shapes today-cube, cone, cylinder, and sphere. This sheet is in their skills binder for daily review.
We learned a fun 3D Shapes song on YouTube!
We explored and discussed their attributes by passing them around the room. We discussed if the shapes can slide, stack, and roll.
We made a graphic organizer to add characteristics and real life examples during our study this week. Kayden did a great job sorting!
Caleb and Amogh worked very hard on the blends chart during guided reading.
Teaching reading is my absolute favorite thing about K!! We worked hard on story retelling and making connections.
This picture makes me smile! This sweet boy spent the day with us. He won the music award from Mrs. Pollard. Way to go Bo!! I told him to tell his mom to check out our blog. :)
Sweet Owen brought me a "happy" today. It made my morning!! Thank you Owen!
Too cute!!
We had a fabulous 30th day of school!!
This is totally non-school related....But I'm so excited about The Voice tonight!!! Do you watch it?? I have been waiting for Cody Belew's appearance and tonight's the night! He's a friend of mine and has the MOST amazing voice! So stay tuned and let's cheer this talented Arkansan on to VICTORY!!!! :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
We have been waiting to see him too!! He is fun to watch! :)