mrs. Hardin

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I miss Roberts K!!

I miss my class so much!! I'm so, SO ready to get back and see those sweet smiling faces again..Thank you so much for all the sweet text messages, emails, and I cried when I got this text card from Caleb. I'm a little emotional at this point :) also, I'm so blessed to have great parents that step-in when I'm gone and take care of classroom business. How did I get so lucky?
I'm praying so hard that Strep stays away from my classroom!! My throat was so swollen and I was unable to eat or drink anything since Monday. I went to the doctor again this morning. He took one look, felt my glands and had me admitted...Harrison healed so much faster than I did...I guess it hits adults a lot harder. After IV Fluids, Antibiotics, and Steroids, I feel like a new person. Has anyone else experienced strep like this before??? They said if everything looks good tomorrow, I'll get to go home. So we're having a little bunkin' party at Baptist. I've been showing the nurses pictures of my class and all the fun things we've been doing. Please tell your child I miss them so much and give them a big hug from Mrs. Hardin. XOXO. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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