mrs. Hardin

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Letter Writing

Two more teeth are missing!! They are starting to fall out like crazy! It's that time of the year. Our Kinders are getting closer and closer to 1st grade. :( Time is really flying by so fast!

We learned about present tense verbs in grammar and writing a letter. My kids fell in LOVE with this! I loved reading each one. They had to write to a classmate and the questions they asked were so funny!

So sweet!

Love it!

I think this was their favorite part!

This really made me LOL!

Wow! Sophie has become such an amazing detailed writer!

They also LOVE, LOVE to use my sharpies. This is a VERY big deal. :)

This one takes the prize! I love LB's healthy lifestyle.

They were beyond excited to take their letters home. A few didn't finish and will receive them tomorrow.

These sweeties donated lots of goodies to our acts of love service project! So sweet and loving! Thank you!!

What can I say?? I adore these Angels. Each one of them holds a very special place in my heart. I wake up excited to see their smiling faces M-F! I can't tell you how thankful I am to work at Roberts. I am also proud to be an employee of the LRSD and thank you for giving your full support. It's a team effort and I think Room 105 is doing a great job. :)

I am looking forward to the upcoming events in February!

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

We've had a great week learning about the letters v and z and sight words--will and be. I'm wrapping up testing this week and one next week! Woohoo!!! I have administered WRAP, LRSD Writing Prompt, Unit 3 Literacy Test, and fluency/blending sounds assessment. Next week I will complete the mid year early learning literacy assessment. So get ready for lots of documentation at parent teacher conferences. This takes a lot of time, but it shows so much growth and helps drive my instruction.

I was SOOO proud of this student! He rocked the middle of the year writing prompt!

We are working hard on retaining and using sight words.

Awesome "V" word list Joel. They had to look at 8 pictures that started with v and spell each word. I love to look at inventive spelling. I love to see vowel pairs, chunks, blends, and correct vowel usage.

Great job Asha! She did this independently during centers.

Happy Birthday Mr. Smokey!!! We have him a GC to Sonic! He was soooo grateful!! Thank you for donating and making his day. This was such an act of love and the kids loved singing happy birthday!!

These sweeties made home-made cards for him. :)

Here's a copy of our February service project!!

These rolled in today! So awesome and so kind!!

The precious orphans in Ukraine will receive these items.

Thank you for your generosity!!!

Thomas' dad was our watch dog dad and secret reader!! So fun!! The kids love him!

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Friday, January 23, 2015

Great Week!

I have been a terrible blogger this week! I promise to do better! I have been testing like crazy and have 2 more next week. My kids will also complete the LRSD middle of the year writing prompt and Unit 3 literacy test. The data collected helps drive my instruction and customize lessons.

We started the week celebrating Jack Kella's birthday!!! We had fun celebrating with you!

Traditional birthday selfie!!

Jack's sweet mom and grandmother surprised him at lunch! I loved the balloon. I have always said balloons make people feel special. :)

Another big event was celebrated! Cole lost his first tooth! That polo shirt was too cute!!

These 2 rocked the subtraction partner game!!

We have worked and worked and worked some more on subtraction! This is a hard skill to master. The hardest part is finding the start number. The change and difference was easy for them, but the missing start number was tricky. I have complete faith they will all master this skill. We learned to use "subtraction strategies" to help solve the problem. The number line and counters helped the most. They LOVE to use their fingers too. :) Eventually we want them to discontinue that and use mental strategies. It will come with time.

Great job Jaiden! He is a math whizz!!

Belle did fabulous too!!

We paired up with the art teachers for a special Valentine's Day parent gift! The kids got to learn about the kiln and how it works. We looooove our art teacher!!!

I am blown away with the princess basket auction items for Roberts Rendezvous. Wow!!! Thank you to those who donated! I have to say this basket will be over the top for sure!!! Mrs. Wendy has the items and putting the basket together! Thank you for doing that!!

Belle and her two friends, Alyssa and Sophie Greene, donated this life size Elsa! They are 2 friends from Mrs. Skinner's class. Thank you!!

Mrs. Wendy visited and talked about our February "Acts of Love" service project for Ukrainian orphans. So many of my kids saw the movie Annie, so they were able to connect with an orphanage. She showed us pictures of her daughter's orphanage. I am so excited about this project! Read the note below for specific details and I will send a copy home on Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sweet Lola Belle brought Mr. Scooter a yummy large piece of vegan lasagna. How sweet is that? Her mom, Amanda, is a fabulous vegan cook!!! Such a sweet act of kindness. :) Lola Belle also gave 2.00 of her own money to our acts of love fund!

A big thanks to everyone that donated!! The 2 counselors, 4 para pros and Mr. Smokey will each receive a 10.00 GC to Sonic or CFA!! February is all about kindness and "acts of love".

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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Polar Bears and the Helmick Fam!

Emma's family came to school yesterday. They live ALL over the world...Thailand, England and Uganda. They came in to celebrate her mom's dad's 60th Bday! I loved meeting them and of course we had to take a pic. I have so much respect for this amazing fam!!

Jack Kella did an extra assignment on MLK over the weekend. Awesome job!

Nicholas did great during chit chat finding the start unknown and change unknown in subtraction.

Way to go Jack!

This group was on point! We love to read. We focused specifically on fluency.

We started our research about Polar Bears.

I am so proud of this girly!!! Her writing has taken off!!

Great job Avalea in math center!

Angelina rocked counting by 5's!!

Thank you Asha for the totes glam notebook!! I love anything monogramed!!!
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