Mia made an awesome connection during shared reading. She pointed out that there was a book in the Classroom library that had similar illustrations and characters. I asked her to go find it and we
Compared them. I was shocked that she made that connection. Both books were written and illustrated by Monica Wellington. Way to go!!!

During word work, this pair worked on synonyms.

Then wrote the pairs on the response sheet.

Ridge and Kayden worked on real and nonsense words.

Silly boy!!

Math was super fun today! We continued our focus on number bonds-part, part, whole. They had to come up with their own whole and find the 2 parts. They loved turning it into a person.

During writing, we worked on making an invitation. We worked on making the guest list 1st. I tied this in to our Dr. Seuss party on Friday. Fun, fun!! Awesome day!!

Caleb added Mia to our guest list. :) :)
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