mrs. Hardin

Thursday, November 29, 2012

I'm so excited about this home project!! I hope your child's gingerbread man made it home today. Projects are due next Wednesday, but can be turned in early. I'm also planning on decorating gingerbread cookies next Friday!! :) I love this time of year...And....Elf on the Shelf starts Monday!! My mom bought me a girl and boy one for the classroom. I'm trying to decide which one to use....or maybe I could use both??? :)

I don't have many pictures from today....we worked on measuring in math and a "how to" during writer's workshop.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Pete is back!!! The kids loved his latest adventure. I have a feeling we'll be reading this many times before Christmas break!

Ridge did a great job solving a subtraction problem during math.

Matthew too!!

We worked on editing a sentence during writer's workshop. They absolutely love using clipboards!!

They looked so grown up with their red pens too!

So serious!!! :)

Wonderful work! Jahanvi used a capital letter and correct punctuation.

Aiden brought a new toy for stuff the sleigh. Love it!

Cutest class ever!!

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

We watched Santa feed his reindeer today, LIVE from the North Pole!! He feeds them at 10:00 a.m, 5:00 and 8:00 p.m. They went CRAZY when Santa made an appearance. There's an app or you can go directly to the website on a desktop computer.

We worked on words that end with the letter "x" during phonics.

My kids love writing sight words in the work on writing center.

And labeling too!!

We continued measuring objects today. They measured various objects using snap cubes.

We focused on verbs during writer's workshop. Did you learn about verbs in Kindergarten?? :) I know I didn't!!! :)

Vicky Verb helped us learn Verbs are action words!!!

After we brainstormed, each child got a sticky note to write their verb on for the anchor chart.

Look at all these verbs!!!

Caleb and Aiden used a verb in a sentence during independent practice. Awesome!!!

Caleb and Jamaya received the PE Award today! I'm so proud!!

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Ho Ho Ho!!

Happy Birthday Jahanvi!! We had so much fun celebrating your birthday!

Pinterest has me going craft crazy!!! I made 3 trips to Hobby Lobby over the break. Thank goodness they have 1 in Russellville! Today, we elfed ourselves. The kids got to choose their own outfits. Aren't they adorable??!!
Cuteness!!! We're going to write a "how to" tomorrow during journal time, telling the steps we used to make our elves.

So I said the turkeys were my favorite, but this totally wins!! Adorbs!!

Mr. Measurment introduced himself today during math. Mr. Measurement is non-standard. This means that he uses ANYTHING to measure with. He can measure with his arm, finger, blocks, yarn, and can even measure with his hands like a make-believe balance. Tomorrow, we are going to measure a variety of classroom objects using snap cubes. So fun!

We continued our measurement craftiness this afternoon by making Christmas tress. I gave all the strips to my little friends and they put them in order from shortest to tallest before gluing them on their paper. Such great math skill practice but in a fun way! Tomorrow, we'll use snap cubes to measure each strip.

Go Matthew!! Congrats on the music star award today!! I'm so proud of you!

Did you watch The Voice tonight!?!? Don't forget to vote for Cody Belew!!

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Fabulous Five Bracelet!

Ananya brought me a Thanksgiving "happy" today! Thank you!! Harrison keeps pointing to the bag, saying....cookie! :)

Precious card. :)

During math, we made a fabulous 5 bracelet. Each child got 5 beads and showed the different ways to make 5. Awesome learning today!!! Gracie said--2 and 3 makes 5.

Kylie said--3 and 2 and 1 makes 5. Wow!!

Ridge said---4 and 1 makes 5.

Amogh made a bracelet for our class friend Tiny!!

Look at these adorable ornaments!! Yes, we're mixing Thanksgiving and Christmas! :) I've got so many cute things planned for Christmas!!!

These adorable ornaments will be displayed on the tree by the computer lab after Thanksgiving. Cuteness!!

High 5 Caleb!!

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