mrs. Hardin

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Look what we are learning this week!

Here's an overview of what we're learning this week.

·     Letters & Sounds: –at word family (cat, hat, bat, rat, sat, etc)
·     High-Frequency Word (HFW): Review I, like, the, and
·     Action verbs
·     Writing an opinion
·     Color: Red, yellow, blue, green, orange
·         Counting Collections
·         Identifying 3D Shapes (cone, cube, cylinder, sphere)

Social Studies
·         Election Process
·         Matter (solid, liquid, gas)

Our field trip to Bobrook Pumpkin Patch is this Friday, October 5th Please have your child wear their Roberts t-shirt and appropriate shoes that day.  We will be leaving at 9:00 and plan to arrive back at the school around 12:30. Parents and siblings are welcome to come, but please make sure that you bring exact change for admission (parents $2, children $6). You can follow the buses or meet us there.   

Please make sure that your child’s lunch account has money on it. You can pay online at, then go to “Parents” and click on “Student Meal Pre-Payment”.

Friday, September 28, 2012

We Heart the USA, Greg Dee and Apples!

I think this was the busiest, but most fun day in Kindergarten this year! We started our day celebrating freedom with a patriotic parade. There was music playing on the intercom and everyone lined the halls, cheering and clapping for K. So..thats about 1000 kids plus teachers!! We had a blast!! Don't you love the fabulous USA vests? Mrs. Geurin dressed me for today's festivities. Too cute!! :)

Each child wore a hat and held an American Symbol flag during the parade.

Lilly did a great job marching down the hall.

Mrs. Glover and her class marched with pride down the hall.

Mrs. Dees proudly displayed her class constitution.

Love my class!!!

After the parade, we followed a recipe for apple sauce. It was delicious! The kids LOVED using the apple peeler, especially turning the handle.

They loved how it spiraled the apple.

After peeling and dicing, we added the ingredients to the crock pot. The kids did a fabulous job helping.

We also had a very special visitor this morning. Greg Dee, CH 4 Meteorologist, presented a lesson on weather today. He did a fabulous job keeping all 8 Kindergarten classes engaged. They especially loved learning about tornados.

Each class filmed a... "Hey Greg...what's the weather like today?" segment. It will air in 3 weeks on the morning show. I will let you know the exact date and times so you can set your DVR.

Greg Dee and my sweet class.

Mrs. Storm was star struck!! :)

I think Mrs. Robinson was too!!

This picture cracks me up!!! It says...Apples are fabulous. I heart this so much because:
1. My favorite word is fabulous!
2. I love all the sounds Owen transferred during independent writing!
3. He drew my desk with chairs, the rug, apples on top!
My kids are becoming awesome writers!!!!
Our apple feast was a success thanks to the parents and grandparents in my classroom!! The kids loved it! Thank you for your support! It means the world to me.

Delicious pie from Fresh Market. I had a piece after school. DELICIOUS!!

Have you tried apple butter?? Oh my!! This was my first time and it's my new fav!!

The dried apples were soooo good too!

The apple muffins were out of this world delicious! I gave Harrison one and he rubbed his tummy saying..mmmmm..... I heart the turquoise tray!!!

The kids loved the apple strudels!

Addison's mom helped with our apple feast. Thanks Mrs. Lindsey!

We even had time for a round of counting collections. Jahanvi did great counting, writing the number and labeling. Way to go!!!!

Lilly and John David were nominated for the Kid's Character Award for the month of September. These two display excellent character every day.

I ended my day with a surprise visit from this precious boy!!! He's obsessed with the playhouse.

We spent the evening at my favorite restaurant, YaYa's. The weather was perfect and Harrison loved the live music. Have a fabulous weekend!! :)
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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Olivia the Bearded Dragon

We had a special friend visit us today, Olivia the Bearded Dragon. The kids loved petting and feeding her. I'm thinking Harrison needs one when he gets older. :) Ridge thought Olivia was pretty cool.

Mia's mom, Cassie, taught the kids how to feed her.

Addison wasn't scared at all to feed her worms.

This picture cracks me up! Remily was fearless and I guarantee you she asked her mom if she could get one.

I got this beautiful painting today. I love, LOVE my class and their sweet parents. They're each so unique, generous, and talented.
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Wednesday, September 26, 2012


A BIG HUGE THANK YOU to the parents in my classroom for 100% PTA Membership. We only needed 19 memberships and received 22. Thank you to those who purchased extra. I'm so proud!!! Thank you for all you do.

We had a productive day and worked hard on writing. We created a bubble map all about apples. I "shared" my pen and we focused on beginning, middle, and ending sounds.

The final product! I didn't have to lift a finger!! Isn't this great?? Words included: red, sauce, juicy, delicious, skin, cider, fabulous, and tasty.

Jahanvi did a wonderful job on her apple bubble map during independent writing.

John David enjoyed listening to Pete the Cat on the iPod during Daily 5.

We did a fun science project. First, we predicted if apples would sink or float. Then, drew a picture of their observation and checked if their prediction was right or wrong.

Aiden and Addison shared their counting collection answer.

Gracie modeled the number 7 to the class. I'm loving these Number Boards!! We had a fabulous day!!!!!

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I Heart Reading!

During Daily 5, I met with a few reading groups. This is one of my favorite aspects of teaching K! I love to hear them say...I can read! The girls are framing a word with their 2 fingers for fluency. We also worked on reading strategies.

Great job Mattie!!

Aiden read to me and Jahanvi turned around to practice while waiting her turn.

Good Readers do.....

We're still working hard on our letters!

Good job Caleb! We worked on beginning, middle, and ending sounds.

My kids are amazed every time I put their journal work on the smart board. I love doing this because kids can show off their work and we can focus on specific concepts. Matthew wrote... Apples make apple juice. Awesome!!! I heart this because....he didn't start his sentence with...I like apples.

We added a few details and bam!! An awesome story using the star writer's checklist! I loved how he used a capital letter, spaces, wrote from left to right, stretched lots of sounds, and drew a great illustration! Kids learn so much from each other. I think sharing with the class is an awesome strategy.

Remily did fabulous labeling the apple tree during writing center.

We created this tree map before journal writing.

Mattie and Amogh won the PE Student Award!! Way to go!!!
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