mrs. Hardin

Friday, August 31, 2012

School Shoes

Caleb was our king today. He enjoyed reading his favorite book to the class. We were so impressed!!

Salihah shared her favorite things today too. She told us all about her trip to South Africa and the stuffed animal she took on the really, really long plane ride. :) We enjoyed learning about Cape Town.

Here are our favorite school shoes:

What has been your favorite thing to do in your school shoes?

John David: Computer Center
Gabriel: Pete the Cat
Mia Grace: PE
Kayden: iPad
Addison: Computer Center
Owen: Spelling New Words
Salihah: Pete the Cat
Amogh: Art
Caleb: Pete the Cat on the iPad
Lilly: Read to Self Center
Kylie: Reading Shoe La La
Matthew: Computer Center
Mattie: Reading Buddies
Jahanavi: Read to Self
Aiden: Riding the Bus
Ridge: Computer Center
Remily: Art

We learned all about the Word Work Center today!

Mia Grace and Jahanavi worked so hard in the Read to Someone Center. They love reading to a buddy!

Our day wouldn't be complete without a Pete the Cat activity! Lilly did a great job. This little book will go in her familiar reading basket for practice.

We had a fabulous week and learned so much! A big thanks to Aiden's mom for volunteering in the classroom today!

I'm looking forward to a restful, long weekend with family at the farm. See ya next week.

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

We heart Pete!

Amogh was a fantastic King today! He was a great helper. He shared his basketball trophy with the class. It was very impressive!

John David helped the class with rhyming words.

During shared reading, Ananya showed the class how to read from left to right, sweep back and down.

Gracie found a sight word.

Remily used her skills binder while working on a Pete the Cat book. This little book will go in her familiar reading basket.

By now you can tell how much we LOVE Pete the Cat!! Mattie did a great job following directions!

How cute is this?? Good job Matthew!

Salihah's looked so cute too!!

I HEART this!!!! Makes me smile. :)

I tied this activity in with our kindergarten common core standards. :)

Please check the back of your child's folder tomorrow for this skills sheet. This is a great reference for review or homework. Thanks Addison for your help.

This week has gone by so fast!! Thank you so much for sending supplies from my wish list. I appreciate it so much. Thanks to Kylie's mom for volunteering today. I have awesome parents!!

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

We worked so hard today, but also had a lot of fun! Did your child come home singing all about Pete the Cat? The song is still in my head. :) We started the morning reading all about Pete the Cat on the iPad. They love... I mean LOVE this cute character!! You can find both these books on the book order this month. :) There's also cute Pete the Cat videos on YouTube. Check them out.

Salihah was our Queen and she did an excellent job holding the iPad for the class while we listened to the story. I see a future teacher in the making.

WE LOVE both books!!

After reading the books and a writing mini-lesson, my students journaled about Pete the Cat. I was so impressed with their writing skills!! Ask your child about using the star writer's checklist.

While part of the group was working on Daily 5, the others were working on a fun Pete the Cat activity. Kylie did a great job writing her first and last name and line number.

Did your child come home telling you all about jitter juice? I'm dying to know what they said!!! The kids loved it and you're probably wondering what in the world is jitter juice!?!? We read a fun story all about first day jitters. The kids were able to make wonderful connections and predictions. As an extension, we made jitter juice (sprite and fruit punch) and it will help get rid of the kindergarten jitters. They all agreed it worked. :) :)

I think jitter juice was a hit!! No more jitters this year!

More Daily 5 modeling. Great job kids!!

We talked all about the book ambulance today. Thanks Mattie for helping.

Gabriel did a great job modeling more routines and procedures. We are still working on them. I'm so proud of my class. They have excellent conduct in and outside of the classroom.

Jahanavi finished her journal early, so she got her skills binder out and practiced counting. This procedure allows them to have something to do if they finish before others. Yay!!

It was another fabulous day! Thanks Mrs. Washington for volunteering! She took pictures of the kids for the classroom birthday chart and printed them. I'll post a picture when it's completed on the wall.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Owen was a fabulous King today! He did a super job helping me. He told us all about his trophy and shared a neat hat from his grandpa. He showed great leadership qualities today.

We explored Counting Collections again today. We reviewed the roles of Partner 1 and 2.

Kayden and Gracie modeled EEKK...Elbow to Elbow, Knee to Knee. They thought this was so fun!

Kylie wrote a great story during independent journal time. She wrote...I like red apples. She did a wonderful job using her skills binder and writer's checklist.

We read The Kissing Hand last week. As a follow-up activity, my students drew a picture of their family and labeled it. They turned out so cute! Good Job Ananya!

Salihah worked so hard on her project.

I'm so proud of Aiden's journal writing too!

My kids had a blast in PE with Coach D.

I introduced the computer center today. The kids were so eager to get started. They worked on and These are great websites!

Remily really enjoyed

The kids love my iPad!! I have 3 computers, so one student will be on my iPad during Daily 5. I wish we had a class set of iPads. :) Maybe I can write a grant... I have downloaded So many great apps. And will be sharing my favorites on the blog. Let me know if your child has a favorite app.

Caleb enjoyed writing words using the shaving cream app.

We practiced "Read to Self" again today. Matthew did an excellent job putting a classroom library book back in the right tub after reading. He demonstrated a great understanding of the 3 ways to read a book.

Ridge, Lilly and Matthew worked so hard building stamina during Daily 5.

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